Climb Sections

can stretch to convey different climb heights

Climb Sections marked with Bars

Climb Steepness

include a human to show steepness

can stretch to convey different climb heights

Climb Steepness as a Dial

Climb Steepness as a Flagpole

example rendering at different aspect ratios

scaling to convey smaller differences (moving flagpole right and left?)

put below each climb on a wall (routes, where there are many vertical climbs)

stretch next to a climb

Climb Steepness Input

Climb Steepness Icon

a simple compact (but primitive) icon. show a single overhang.

Photo Overlay

Photo Overlay with a Static Svg

Photo Overlay with an Extensible Svg

Show Climb Names on Mouseover with CSS

Show Climb Names on Mouseover with JS

Photo Overlay Editor